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Newsletter Articles

A Life Free from the Worries of Health Care Expenses

Adapting CBHI for Pastoral Settings

Addis Ababa Reports High Re-enrollment Rate for CBHI Members

Afar, Benishangul-Gumuz, Gambella, and Somali Expand CBHI Coverage

Afar Endeavors to Launch Four Woreda Insurance Schemes This Year

Building a Model CBHI Scheme in Raya Azebo

CBHI is a Divine Gift for Borena Pastoralists

CBHI Leadership

Committed Leadership Contributes to Successful CBHI Implementation in Jida Woreda

Community-Based Health Insurance Benefits Communities in Somali Region

Community Pharmacies Boost Drug Supply and Revenue in Harari Region

Contracting Private Drug Vendor Improves Insurance Service in Lay Armachiho, Amhara Region

Council Approves Contribution According to Capacity to Pay for Community-based Health Insurance

EHIA Strengthens Medical Auditing Capacity

Ethiopian Health Insurance Service Conducts Annual Review Meeting

Expanding CBHI in Urban Settings

Harari Launches CBHI - the First Breakthrough in the Eastern Regions of Ethiopia

Harari Region Achieves Nearly 100% Community-Based Health Insurance Coverage

Health Care Financing Reform Enables Geda Health Center to Provide Emergency Surgical Services to the Community.

Health Financing Reform Contributes to Quality Improvements at Health Centers

How CBHI Supported Berhane’s Life: A Woman’s Story of Health and Hope

Initiative on Institutionalization of Health Care Financing Reforms

Insourcing Private Providers in Public Health Facilities Improves Diagnostic Services.

Internal Revenue Improves Patient Care at Awbare Health Center in Somali Region

Kebri Dehar General Hospital in Somali Region Transforms Services Using Retained Revenue

New Health Care Financing Structure: Bedrock for Reform Institutionalization in Amhara

Oromia and SNNP Launch Zonal-Level CBHI Schemes

Oromia Approves Staffing Structure for HCF Reform Institutionalization

Service Contract with a Private Clinic Expands Health Care Options for CBHI Members in Amhara Region

Update on First-Generation Health Care Financing Reforms

USAID Health Financing Improvement Program Assists in Transferring Health Care Financing Reform Implementation Training to Government Counterparts

USAID Health Financing Improvement Program Contributes to Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment in Health Care Financing Activities in Ethiopia

USAID Mission Director Visits Harari Region to Witness Health Care Financing Reforms

Woreda in Silti Approaches Full CBHI Enrollment

Zonal CBHI Scheme in Amhara Improves Access to Referral Hospitals

All documents are  made possible by the support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The contents are the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government.